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Jr. Beta Students with Canned Pet Food Collected
Jr. Beta Dog & Cat Food Drive
Battle of the Books Champions 2024
Battle of the Books Champions

School News and Information

Find out what's happening in your school.

Making a Difference Award

Ms. Lemke makes a difference each and every day!

Bullying Incident Report Form

This form may be used to report bullying. Once completed, please share with Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Graves.

Congratulations to our Excellence Award Winners!

We are proud of Madison D., Shy'Anna T., Gracie S. (not pictured), and staff members, Kaytrah Connally and Amanda Haney!

Citizens of the Month

Congratulations to our Citizens of the Month who were recognized for being exemplary Cardinals.

School Bus Tracking App

Get the real-time location of your child's bus using the Here Comes the Bus App.

Oakwood Spiritwear

Show your Cardinal Pride with school spirit wear!

District News & Announcements

Play and Pause Buttons for Slideshow
Miss NC

You are invited to a Community Meet & Greet on Thursday, March 6, 2025, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Caswell County Schools Central Office PD Room (319 E. Main Street, Yanceyville, NC).

Come and be inspired by Miss North Carolina as she shares her journey to the crown and captivates us with her incredible voice through a selection of musical performances.

Enjoy an afternoon of inspiration, music, and community connection. Light hors d’oeuvres will be served.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Read More about Welcome Miss NC Carrie Everett to Caswell County
bus route

Padres y estudiantes, manténganse informados y conectados con la aplicación "Here Comes the Bus". 🚍📲

Con esta útil herramienta, pueden:
✔️ Ver la ubicación en tiempo real del autobús de su hijo en un mapa
✔️ Consultar los horarios programados y reales de llegada a casa y la escuela
✔️ Recibir notificaciones por correo electrónico y alertas push cuando el autobús esté cerca

¡No pierda un momento y haga que las mañanas sean más fáciles!

Descargue la aplicación hoy y manténgase al tanto. Busque "Here Comes the Bus" en su tienda de aplicaciones.

ℹ️ Para más información o asistencia, visite nuestro sitio web.

Read More about 📢 Recordatorio: ¡Descargue la aplicación "Here Comes the Bus" hoy!
Bus route 2

Parents and students, stay informed and connected with the "Here Comes the Bus" App! 🚍📲

With this helpful tool, you can:
✔️ See the real-time location of your child's bus on a map
✔️ Check scheduled and actual arrival times for home and school
✔️ Receive push and email notifications when the bus is near

Never miss a moment and make mornings smoother!

Download the app today and stay in the loop. Search for "Here Comes the Bus" in your app store.


Read More about 📢 Reminder: Download the "Here Comes the Bus" App Today!

Latest News and Announcements

Upcoming Events

By The Numbers



Four Elementary, One Middle and One High School



1030 in Elementary, 430 in Middle School and 640 in High School


Student-Teacher Ratio

Districtwide Average


Preschool Programs

3 Elementary Schools offer Preschool programs


Students 1:1 Chromebook Devices

The 1:1 implementation started in our distrcit since 2015.


Graduation Rate
